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Are ‘Fear’ & ‘Anxiety’ Your Companions?

Have you heard some people saying, “I have stage fear or exam fear”, “I have fear of meeting people” or some others who say “I am frightened of dogs or wolves”?

I’m sure you have met people with different types of fears or you yourself have some kind of fear. The important thing is to understand what is our fear or anxiety. Is it what we are imagining or is it something else that we are not able to comprehend? So let us discuss what is fear and anxiety.

Fear is more related to something dangerous that is happening or might happen – maybe physical harm. It is something more immediate in nature such as, if you come face to face with a ferocious dog or an armed man – chances are that they might attack you. This feeling is fear. This is real, and we have not much choice but to decide between fight and flight depending on the situation.

Anxiety is more a feeling of worry or apprehension of something that may happen in the future. It is the uncertainty in the scenario that puts you on alert to ward it off or brood over it.

Both fear and anxiety are uncomfortable feelings and unpleasant emotions. What becomes important then is to analyse whether a person is experiencing fear or anxiety. Often, we find that people use the words fear and anxiety interchangeably.

My experience has been that when people say they have stage fear, exam fear, fear of presentations, fear of meeting people – they are actually worrying about the outcome of their performance and how it will impact or affect their relationships, acceptance by others or their own ability to accept failure. They are more worried about what people will think about them.

During these COVID-19 times, there is so much fear of catching the virus. Living in fear is certainly not helping anyone. Each one of us need to take precautions, follow the prescribed norms, and seek God’s intervention. There is no other way but to overcome this fear and carry on with life. 

These are also very difficult times with economies going bust. People are anxious about losing their jobs. It is very understandable. But by brooding over what may or may not happen doesn’t help in any way. People are killing the present and ruining their health with anxiety. With extreme anxiety, some go into depression, take to drugs, or drinking. Such people would need to see a counsellor.

The rest who are suffering from anxiety must understand that being anxious will not help in solving the problem. Ruminating over a situation makes us even more anxious and more often than not, there is only negativity in sight. Anxiety blocks our ability to think something different. Though it is tough, with will power we can overcome anxiety. We need to be grateful for what we have in the present, our gratitude will bring us more blessings.

Don’t live with anxiety and fear. You can overcome them, my experience says so. Here are a few tips from my personal experience:

  • Understand what is your fear – are you worrying about the outcome of your performance and how it will affect your relationships or are you worried about what people will think about you if you fail?
  • Focus on your preparation, not on the outcome.
  • If you are preparing for a presentation or a performance on stage – internalise the matter, you will be able to present or act with confidence.
  • If you are worried about losing your job – focus on our strengths, and what you can do with your skills and talents, explore the options do you have with an open mind. 
  • Don’t throw away even the most unlikely options that occur to you as an alternate profession, give it a thought.
  • Involve a family member or a friend to support your efforts to overcome fear and anxiety with positivity and encouragement.
  • Give up blaming yourself, destiny or others. Stop complaining about the situation and justifying your complaints. Blaming, complaining or justifying don’t help in any way.
  • Don’t judge or compare yourself with others, it will only lower your confidence level. Remember, you are unique – a creation of The Almighty.
  • Practice the attitude of gratitude. It will give you reasons to be happy and keep anxiety away.
  • When you feel stressed with anxiety or fear, do some acts of kindness or remember the kindness someone showed towards you. Even the smallest act of kindness will help you to focus on positives around you and feel better.
  • Positivity attracts positivity. If you emit positive energy, you will attract positive things to you.
  • Stop worrying about the outcome and what will people think about you – this will help you to experience freedom from our own crippling fear and anxieties.
  • Shift your focus from the problem which is your fear and anxiety and you will be able to open your mind to explore solutions.
  • Trust in your own capabilities and abilities, it will give you inner strength. Work on your strengths and trust the Almighty – you will emerge stronger.
  • Have faith in yourself and in The Almighty.

Nothing is impossible, the possibility resides within you! No one can stop you, if you decide to overcome fear and anxiety.

Take the first step today to be ‘The New You’!