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I Would Love A Boss Who Is HUMAN

I was doing a training program for a group of young professionals who had joined as trainees. One of the activities I gave them was to write on the whiteboard words to describe the type of Boss they were looking for.

There were many answers but this one was intriguing “I would love a boss who is human”.

From the discussions that followed with the group, this is what I made out as to what a HUMAN boss meant.

What does HUMAN mean?

  • Humble– the boss must be humble and make us feel part of the team. We respect people who are humble and not egoistic.

  • Upbeat– the boss must be a happy and energetic person who is unfazed by the challenges at the workplace. When the boss is cheerful and hopeful, the mood of the team changes to optimism.

  • Motivating-the boss must motivate the team. Appreciation from the boss for even little things matters a lot to keep the team motivated. It not only enhances performance but also keeps the team positive.

  • Authentic- the boss must be an authentic person. False promises and insincere appreciation get exposed in due course. Being a genuine person begets love and respect.

  • Nurturing– a boss must grow many leaders. Nurturing talent, delegating to team members, and instilling confidence in team members go a long way to getting the best out of people.

I was touched by the depth of the discussion and convinced that if Bosses come across as HUMAN, there would be no toxic work atmosphere. Every workplace would be “A great place to work” and this would translate to happy home life too!

Are you ready to be a boss who is HUMAN?